Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mouse Trap- This is NOT a Game

On Tuesday night, Hadley was barking for hours and I couldn't figure out why. The next morning I found mouse droppings in the garage- YUCK!! So yesterday Brady and I headed to Home Depot once again- this time in search of mouse traps. After after standing there and considering all of our options for about 30 minutes, I decided that poison is just too dangerous with Brady and the dogs around. And I sure didn't want to see the mice- dead or alive- so that eliminated the sticky traps and the old fashion spring traps. So we settled on 3 different types of container bait traps. These traps are designed to "Kill and Contain" the mouse. I baited them with dog food (since that seems to be what is attracting them in the first place) and waited. I didn't have to wait long- I went into the garage to see the dogs and saw a tail sticking out of one of the traps. The mouse was contained but it certainly had not been killed. We could hear it trying to get out- and it was driving the dogs nuts. Of course it happened on the night Andy was working so I just left it there all night. This morning it was still moving around a little bit but Andy put the trap in a bag and took it to a dumpster. While I am happy the trap worked, I would have preferred not to have to see the tail sticking out as it thrashed about. That said, our battle is not over. Last night there was only one dog biscuit left in the cookie container and this morning it was gone. So our one trapped mouse was not working alone! YUCK, YUCK, YUCK!

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