We took a little family vacation to Corpus Christi with a good childhood friend and her family (they have a little girl who is 3 weeks older than Brady).
Brady’s first experience on the beach was not a good one- he basically screamed and cried for about 20 minutes. So we left the beach and went for a walk on the sea wall where he also screamed and cried. Fortunately, after a good night sleep we had our happy little man back!

Brady loved the beach on the second try. He just kept shoveling handful after handful of sand into his mouth.

We finally had to move him down into the surf so the waves would wash the sand away before he could eat it.

On Friday we went to the Texas State Aquarium- I was surprised how interetsed Brady was in all the fish.

They had a great dolphin show in which "there is the possibility you may get wet" so needless to say our section got SOAKED and no one else got wet at all. It actually felt kind of good since it was at least 100 degrees outside.

That night we went to the Hooks baseball game. Andy was asked to participate in the fry throwing contest- he didnt win but still walked away with a $10 Whataburger gift card!

Two fly balls hit in the row directly behind Brady and I. The guys who had those seats said they have had season tickets right there for 2 years and never got a fly ball. What can I say- some people are just lucky!

We spent all day at the beach on Saturday and the kiddos had a blast.

It was great to see Brady play with someone his age.

We had a great trip!!