booboos!! He loves playing at the park and does not think he is "too little" for any of the equipment. Today he took his first tumble at the park, he split his lip and skinned his chin. Poor guy cried for a minute and then was ready to play again. I had to hold him down just to wipe the blood away.
We have really been enjoying our play group- great kids and great moms. Brady plays so well with all the other kiddos. He is even good at sharing his toys and snacks.
Brady stole his graham crackers off the counter and helped himself to a snack. I did the same thing with potato chips when I was his age!!
We have been outside all the time- playing the kids down the street, going for walks or playing in our front yard. Brady loves to play fetch with Hadley and she is great with him. She drops the ball in front of him and backs up so he can throw it for her. She brings it back to him time and time again.
Brady is giving kisses now!! If I make kissing noises he will put his lips on mine (or Daddy's). Sometimes he even puckers. Sooo sweet!!