Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Longhorn was Born December 5, 2008

and initiated into the club on September 19, 2009. Brady attended his first Longhorn football game last night. He was a trooper! He and I went to tailgate- twice (we had to go home to attempt- unsuccessfully- an afternoon nap!) Brady did great during the entire game. He was so busy looking at all the lights, people and sounds. I jumped when the canon went off but he didn't seem to care. He loved making faces at the people behind us and pulling the lady's hair in front of us (fortunately she has a granddaughter about his age so she loved him)! He had Rudy's brisket for lunch and a BBQ sandwich for dinner which he loved- he is his father's son!
Brady stole Daddy's hat and enjoyed playing with it for most of the 4th quarter. Not much for actually watching the game but give him a few seasons to learn the ropes and he will be just like Daddy!
Brady did his best to distract Daddy from the game- not to mention everyone within 20 yards of him.
We made it through the entire game without any meltdowns. He didn't get to bed until just after midnight. It was a long day but he did wonderful. He passed the test!

The Jensons were off to a slow start this morning- Brady was the last one up, he didn't wake up till 9:45! To recover from a long day of tailgating and football, we started the day off with blueberry pancakes. Brady loved them- and he LOVES to feed himself. Mama and the spoon are no longer needed. I was nervous that his face would be blue for days but fortunately it didn't stain his skin- his pj's are a different story!

Even the biggest football fan needs a nap after a big game day!

Hilary got some great pictures of him at the game so I will post more when I have them.

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