After a few days on the beach Brady got increasing braver with the water. The first day we got there he cried if you walked towards the water with him but by the last day we literally had to carry him out of the surf kicking and screaming. He would run straight for the waves not caring if Andy or I were with him. He loved "jumping" the waves, building and destroying sand castles, digging holes, filling buckets with water and throwing seaweed.
We went to a Corpus Christi Hooks game which he loved. He got to eat his first hot dog and had Dippin' Dots ice cream. He loved to roll down the little hill at the stadium.
We also got to go to the Texas State Aquarium and he loved looking at all the fish, turtles, dolphins, etc.
His friend, Addison, was teaching him some animal sounds that he will happily show off if he is in the right mood.
We had a wonderful time and can't wait to do it again next year!!
We had a ton of photos so I am going to try to share them with this link (I have never done it this way before so hopefully it works!)
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