The Texas vs A&m game was in Austin this year so we tailgated with the usually crew and Andy's family and headed to the game. It was COLD- in the 30's with the wind chill. Brady was a trooper and really seemed to enjoy the game- and the thermos of hot chocolate I smuggled in!
On Friday morning Brady and I headed up to Dallas to meet up with the Volker clang at my sister's house. These pictures are courtesy of Emily.
Brady is obsessed with his cousin Luke- talks about him all the time. All he said on the 3 hour drive up was "go Luke's house" over and over again. He liked to hang out in Luke's crib with him.

Elle seems to like Brady more and more the older he gets. She really takes care of him!

Both boys got their nails trimmed...

Brady coloring and Luke playing "choo-choos"

Last year Brad gave Brady a big wagon full of mega blocks that Brady LOVES (still plays with it on a daily basis) so he won what Emily calls the "best present award." I think Em's feeling were a little hurt but this year Brady loved the trash truck Aunt Emmy got him. Score: Brad-1, Em-1!

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