Two new toys for Luke but Brady and Elle seemed to enjoy them too!
Brady is obsessed with "Choo Choos" right now so instead of making a gingerbread house we made a train.
Our Gingerbread Choo Choo masterpiece...
Grampa, Bob, Brady and Elle riding on Brad's new toy- a Polaris Ranger. It was so much fun to drive around on! We all had a blast going super fast over bumps and hills. Andy and I are wishing we had a place in the country so we could get one too!! (not sure why this picture won't rotate!!)
Hoss got to go to Brad and Christi's too. They have 2 chocolate labs (both with orange collars as well)- sometimes it was hard to tell them apart.
Poor Luke was sick and had to do breathing treatments... not fun for any of us!
Elle got not one but two make up kits for Christmas so here I am being a good Aunt and letting her give me a make over...
Santa got Brady a parachute and balls- a huge hit with all 3 kids!
Elle got a baby doll for Christmas and Brady immediately took it and started playing with her- feeding her a bottle. I thought it was sweet but all of the dads (Andy, Bob, Brad and Grampa) kept trying to distract him with a truck, tractor, ball or boat! Silly boys!
Elle and Brady both got a sit and spin- Brady is not sure what to do with it yet...
Brady's new cash register- he is a big fan of money!
Gramma got Brady a truck pulling a boat- he was in heaven!
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