Brady and I headed to Houston last weekend to visit Gramma Dar and to meet my best friend Niki's baby girl. Brady loved visiting Miss Niki and Mr Mason. Mason scored big points when he came back with an ICEE for Brady. B had never had one before but he loved it. Niki also has a candy dish full of M&Ms and one for Hershey kisses. Something we do not have at home- and needless to say they were not full when we left :) Brady has his mama's sweet tooth!
Gramma Dar had a big ball that Brady enjoyed laying on. He would roll forward or to the side and fall off the ball. He thought it was hilarious. But the next day when he went to get the ball out of the garage and discovered the ball would no longer hold air. I guess they are not designed to hold a 30 pound kid.

My camera was acting up... only 2 pictures on an 8 GB memory card but it kept saying the card was full. Go figure!
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