Today is a big day!! Before his bath tonight I put the potty seat on the big potty and had Brady sit on it. He wasn't real happy about the idea but he gave in. We talked about how he will need to go on the potty soon and that it is almost time to wear underwear and give up diapers. He was just listening as I went on and on. I told him that if he went pee-pee in the potty I would give him a M&M. He thought about this for a minute, peed and held his little hand out and said "M please Mama!" Needless to say I was shocked. I did not think he would go in the potty- I was just trying to get him excited about it. And I didn't have any M&Ms! He sat on the potty while I ran downstairs and got him a jelly bean. He was excited with that too thankfully! He was SO proud of himself.

We called Daddy but he was at work and couldn't answer. Next we called Gramma Dar and Brady told her all about his accomplishment- all the while sitting on the potty. I figured while he was happy up there I wasn't going to make him get down. He told Gramma that he got a M&M as a treat. Gramma said he should get 2 M&Ms for a poop. He sat on the potty for a few more minutes while we talked to Gramma and suddenly we heard "plop!" Brady went poop on the big potty!! He got high-fives, hugs, kisses, praise and of course 2 jelly beans! He sat there with a huge smile on his face for another 5 minutes before finally agreeing to hop down and get in the bath. After bath we called Grammy and left her a message with his good news. Who knew all it would take is (the promise of) M&Ms!! :)
Tomorrow starts "Potty Boot Camp" where you stay home for 3 days, push fluids and try to put them on the potty every 15 minutes (figured I better strike while the iron is hot!). Say your prayers and send positive thoughts our way- hope this goes well!!
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