Look over Brady shoulder- a deer hanging out in the neighbor's yard watching Brady play. Perhaps the one who eats my gerber daisies in the dark of night. There is also a mama deer and two tiny little babies living in the little creek bed behind the house.
Brady also loves the tree swing Grandpa Rollie made him- he likes to go "super high in the clouds" and if he doesn't think you pushed him high enough he will let you know!
Sometimes Brady sits sideways on the swing and says it is his paddle boat... not sure how but hey.
On a side note- the mouse/mice/rats have been ignoring our traps (one even had the nerve to poop right in front of a trap!) so yesterday we got serious and bought the sticky traps. So far all we caught was one large black lab. Poor Hadley. After a bath in baby oil she was as good as new. Hopefully tonight we get the little stinkers- or they could just move out! I would be happy with that too! As Andy says- "it's like the freaking discovery channel around here" :)
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