We started on the pony ride... this time Daddy got to ride too.
Next we went back to the Bay of Play for more climbing and sliding!
This was probably Brady's favorite ride of all. It lifts you up high and then drops you a little bit at a time. He would laugh and laugh when it dropped.
I think he rode it 7 times in a row (not too crowded on a Sunday morning)!
Then it was off to a big boat ride that spins you in circles, also a big hit.
Posing with the pirate...
and a completely fake smile with a pumpkin.
Alligator Alley- lots of gators and turtles.
We headed back to the sea lion show again- just as good the second time around!
"Uncle Max" doing sit ups to burn off some extra weight :)
Posing with the flamingos- just for you Gramma Dar!
Brady was on the edge of his seat watching Azul for the second time- it really is an amazing show!
Daddy requested we go back to the penguins- so we did.
This is a King Penguin- they don't build nests. They hold their eggs on top of their feet to keep them warm. Check out how it is standing on it's heels to keep the egg warm. CRAZY!!
Making our souvenir penny...
We got to see the Shamu show again too!
All day Brady was asking to play on the playground so we finally gave in and let him play for awhile.
Brady and Daddy got to feed and pet the dolphins. So cool!
Our family photo from our little vacation.
This is when we knew it was time to head home, Brady got in the stroller, took off his shoes and socks and laid down.
Sound asleep the entire way home.
It was a great trip!!
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