I think his favorite part was pushing Brooklyn around in the stroller!
Miss Jaime and Miss Bianca had a basketball contest.
That's a lot of tickets for a little boy!
Don't they look like they are in a little jail up there??
Then we met Grammy for lunch... and had spaghetti and cupcakes at home for dinner.
Sad to say, Brady did not open a single present on his actual birthday! We had his birthday party a few weeks ago (and I am so glad we did- it has been cold and rainy for the last few days) and celebrated with Grammy and Gramps last weekend. Andy and I got him the 4 wheeler a few weeks ago... no shortage of presents just kinda funny that none landed on his actual birthday!
At school during Chapel, everyone sang happy birthday to him and the other December birthdays and he got to pick a prize from the birthday bag (he got a smiley face water bottle)!!
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