Monday, February 3, 2014


I'm super proud to announce that Brady is learning to read.  We have been working on sight word flash cards for about 2 weeks and he is doing so well.  So far he knows 50 words, they are: no, are, can, but, eat, blue, here, little, pretty, all, you, play, find, black, on, get, he, good, it, ate, do, look, four, see, is, me, up, help, she, be, away, am, must, go, did, big, new, at, and, soon, so, say, please, said, my, in, I, out, for & a.   Some days he is happy to practice them and other days he acts like it is complete torture.  Brady has also been working in an addition work book and is getting pretty good at adding number 0-10 and has starting working on 11-20.

Kenzie started eating solid foods about a week ago.  She has been eying our food for a while now and the Dr. gave the all clear at her 4 month well check so I decided to give it a try.  The first day I gave her oatmeal and she cried- dramatic little one.  Once I mixed some peas with it she was much happier.  So far she had had peas, apples and carrots.  The last few days she has eaten about 2 ounces of food around lunch time and seems to enjoy it.  She is also working on drinking water out of her sippy cup- she gets some out and then seems surprised and spits the water out.

Eying brother's lunch...

Brady loves to feed Kenzie- and takes his job very seriously.

Kenzie also started rolling from her back to her belly on Saturday night.  I put her to bed in her Woombie and looked on the monitor to discover she was on her belly.  I rolled her onto her back again and she prompt rolled onto her belly again.  We played this game a few times before I gave up and took her out of her Woombie for the night.  Now she gets to wear a sleep sack to bed instead.  I think she is happy to have her hands free.

I tried out a few cloth diapers the other day too.  They are still HUGE on her little bottom.  It's pretty funny because they make her butt look huge!  Andy started singing the junk in the trunk song for her yesterday.  I may wait for her to get a little bigger before I switch over completely (more or less).

Andy and I went to his awards dinner for work the other night.  Grammy and Gramps came over to babysit.  It was the first time for someone else to put Kenzie to bed and it went really well.  We may have to go out more often now!
 We tried a new hiking trail on Friday before the cold front came through.  Check out this cool stone bench in the side of the hill!

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